mercredi 5 mars 2014

[ROM|NABD] Galaxy Note fre3 Hybrid De[Odex] v2.0beta -BeastMode Kernel- topic

Hi guys, welcome to Galaxy Note fre3. This ROM is 'Wizless' in that it doesn't have the Samsung launcher or widgets, and tries to remove as much bloatware as possible while maintaining a fully functional ROM.



-Team Win, AlphaRev X, Unrevoked, CyanogenMod team, toastcfh, Shinzul, TrevE, dsixda, zeppelinrox, ch33kybutt, Death-M0nk, cayniarb, flipzmode, Mikedick, wildcatswr5, Ihtfp69, Team Bamf, aamikam, mwalt2, myn, eyeballer, viperboy, steal25, iconeo, eschelon, Rydah805, Nutzy, hockeyfamily737, J.eremy, frosty_ice, Vinchenzop, YACO, dropzeroc, Zanz, runandhide05, closeone, TweetyBear, smokin1337, gruesomewolf, Josh Beach, Cobraboy, Relo, Tex/Donald, Devon(devbro), Stephen, Justin Kluck, Mase, Dorian, Joe, everyone else in our awesome hangouts chat, my GF for putting up with seemingly endless hours of testing, Mike(micmars), Gus, Mike Chapman, Dunks(Kingsley), Brandon(Action B), Herk718, and the entire XDA community especially the modders, themers, and the helpful members. If I forgot you, or you would like to be included in the thanks list just because, shoot me a PM.

ROM Information:
Software version NABD with Android 4.4.2


Hybrid [De]Odexed
Removed bloat, Samsung launcher/widgets, and Play Store available apps.
Nexus bootanimation
4-in-1 Reboot menu
CRT animations
Nova Launcher included
Camera Shutter sound option
Included Dev Tools
Call recording in phone app menu
Write PRL option in settings
App Ops in settings
Included AOSP Gallery
Random apk mods
JB style notification icons
Included AOSP Clock
Genie Widget from AOSP
Increased MMS quality
Mod SystemUI for 3g/1x
Disable signature checking in services.jar
Mod services.jar to accept ADJ values
Unlocked Messaging options galore
Unlocked a bunch of random options
Init.d support
Tweaked out Kernel Ramdisk (eliminates logging whenever possible, etc)
Tweaks galore (build.prop,init.d)
More stuff

Known Issues:
-Graphical glitch with CRT Mod in landscape. It's purely cosmetic and will be fixed in the future!


Download (full ROM):
Galaxy Note fre3 2.0beta MD5:

Download (updates): These updates must be flashed on top of a full ROM.
None available.

XDA:DevDB Information
Galaxy Note fre3, a ROM for the Sprint Samsung Galaxy Note 3

ROM OS Version: 4.4.x KitKat
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.4.x
ROM Firmware Required: NAB or NABD (KitKat)

Version Information
Status: Beta
Current Beta Version: 2.0
Beta Release Date: 2014-03-05

Created 2014-03-06
Last Updated 2014-03-05

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